I just wanted to take a quick second and tell you a little about myself. There are also some specific buttons you can click above if you want to know things like my favorite movies, etc. There is even a Q & A button if you want to know something that I haven't mentioned anywhere else. Obviously, there are some things I'm not going to share but shy of the obvious, I'm a pretty open book.
To begin, I am originally from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. I moved to Michigan on a student visa to attend law school. While here, I met my husband, Kurt, who was a fellow student in one of my classes. As much as I can't even begin to say how meeting him has changed my entire life, helped me find myself, and made me a type of happy I didn't know existed in reality, it has also complicated my life dramatically from a logistics stand point as we have my step daughters every other week. I'm sure you can imagine the labyrinth that leaves us navigating even now, let alone when we are both licensed and fully practicing back home in the Sault. I know we'll make do, though, and OF COURSE, I wouldn't trade meeting him and the kids for the world!
Thankfully, as of September 2016, I am now a law school graduate and, at 30-years-old, for the first time in my adult life, I am no longer in school!! However, while it feels great to finally have my Juris Doctor degree, to quote Harvey Specter, "I don't have dreams, I have goals. Now it's on to the next one." I've already began the process to sit for the Ontario Bar and am spending a lot of time in preparation for it. In my "down time" I'm working diligently to get all the buttons on this site that currently take you to "coming soon" to actually function. Believe it or not, there is a lot to it. No, it certainly doesn't help that there are so many topics that I want to discuss on here. Then when you add in my YouTube Channel, which really is the heart and soul of my presence on the web, I feel like I'm working 18 hour days.
Speaking of my YouTube channel, I can't even being to describe how much fun I'm having creating material. I love how video gives you a much better idea of who I am on a day to day basis. Essentially what "hanging out with me" would tell you rather than what a deep conversation might divulge. As you can see I'm goofy, often tongue tied, smile and laugh constantly, and can't help but be elated around glitter lol. My website is then meant to compliment that and delve more into the individual facets of my personality and see the foundations of my character, history, and life that make me ME.
While I only started this site and my channel in mid July of 2016, I have quite a bit of material up already considering the amount of time it takes to film, edit, and produce each video. Because of that requisite time, so much of my attention has been focused at my channel and the other areas of my internet footprint have suffered. And I think it's definitely safe to say that this particular tab has done so the most. I keep meaning to sit down and do more with it, but, at the end of the day, this is a very important tab and I want it to be perfect. Not because I’m narcissistically expecting everyone to want to know everything about super awesome me. Rather, I believe, and I'm sure you would agree, people should always consider the source of the information they are receiving. This tab will tell you about that source – me. With that in mind, it's not really something I can rush. Please bear with me. I promise, this will continue to fill out. It’s coming!!
In the meantime, check out the rest of the site, subscribe to my Facebook page, the newsletter, my YouTube channel, etc., and you will get alerts when new material is posted. I appreciate you all. More than you know! Have a great day, week, month, year, life!

You can watch my 3 part TMI series here

Please accept my apologies on the lighting mishap

I also have a Q&A video that touches on a little more

Kurt asks me the questions you guys submitted
Thanks for watching!
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