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Okay, let's get started.

The good news is the names are in. The bad news, first and foremost, involves this little guy

The reveal video was going to be filmed, edited, and likely uploaded today, but now we are at emergency with Loubie, our year round "sickie dog" as is. This may or may not be related to his chronic PLE issues, but he just started throwing up an hour ago and become extremely lethargic. Obviously, this will cause a delay in the video being filmed and edited, but we hope it's a quick fix and turn around, and we'll be onto filming and editing tomorrow. We shall see.

Perhaps more frustrating

though less concerning (I mean, it IS Loubie's health after all!), there were so many disqualifications this time!! I mean, I guess I can't say "disqualifications" because technically, the people in question didn't qualify to begin with.

I had the same reaction...

Here's some numbers to help explain. We had 351 step-ones completed. This means, assuming we have no double ups, there were only 351 people that entered this giveaway. There were 1,312 entries because you could obviously get more than one entry. Lastly, there were 1,985 views on the video. While I'm sure some people watched the video more than once, I doubt we had under 1000 people watch the video. That means barely a third entered?? That would be very strange.

I think this might have had something to do with the average view time being only 9 minutes and 21 seconds on a 50 minute and 29 second video. Granted, a lot of the video was just showing off the products, and you don't have to know what's in it to enter. However, we did discuss how to enter in this video, at least briefly, anyway. It's possible with such a short average view time that lost of people missed this.

Now, that being said, we also put how to enter in the description, so technically you could have not watched the video and just looked in the description. Once on the webpage, there were 2 more ways to get direction on how to enter. 1, it was right there on the page and walked you through how to enter from top to bottom. 2, there was a pdf to download that also walked you through how to enter. Technically, I guess, there was even a third way, the help desk.

I'm just sorry that so many people missed out on it. We also had a lot of people just put their information into YouTube comments and say something to the effect of "enter me." While obviously totally wrong on its face, it wasn't just social media handles. People put addresses and phone numbers in the public comments.

... that's some scary

Gonna have people all at your door like

In the future, please

I'm going to get back to Tanya and Lou.


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