Hey, everyone. This is Kurt. I just wanted to update everyone on Tanya. For the last 48 hours, Tanya has barely been able to stand up. She can hobble to the bathroom but that is about it. She’s “ok” from a long-term, chronic/life threatening standpoint, but she’s definitely going through something right now that has completely depleted her energy. I get a lot of the alerts from comments and emails and know everyone is still very active, something we both absolutely love to see. I just want to assure you that no one is being ignored, unappreciated, or overlooked in any way.
To help put things in perspective, I am, for the most part, responsible for the things that require fine motor skills in Tanya’s life. I know you all know about the opening packages and products part of what I do for her, but it’s so much deeper than that. Her RA, especially since the pregnancy/surgery, has been a major problem for her and if it wasn’t for an ergonomic remote, I’m not sure she’d even be able to hit the record button.
Unfortunately, I have a lot on my plate these days. I’ve been missing the facemask videos and even getting my alone time with the wife. Regardless, I’m going to try to set some time aside, hopefully later today, to do some typing for her while she dictates. That way she doesn’t have to speak as loudly and clearly as dictation software would require, and we can get some replies sent out to you that will actually be 100% all her. She’s chomping at the bit to get better. You guys know her. You know how she is. She loves talking to all of you. So, hang in there, stay tuned, and we’ll get some replies cranked out!
Thank you all so much for the comments, feedback, interaction with one another, and your dedication to both the channel and her. You are all really incredible and so appreciated. I hope you can feel that radiating from both of us.
Have a great rest of the day, everyone! Tanya sends her love...
... from bed... "xoxo"

And no, for those of you wondering, these are not Tanya's actual feet. The picture is compliments of Good Housekeeping.